About That’s Classified

Founded in 2011, That’s Classified has established itself as a leading source of information and insights on a wide range of topics. Our mission is to provide accurate, well-researched, and unbiased content. We aspire to become an indispensable resource for academics, journalists, professionals, and others.

Who We Are

That’s Classified is composed of a diverse team of subject matter experts (SME’s), investigative journalists, data analysts, and editorial staff. Our contributors hail from various fields, including national security, information technology, law, and ethics. This multiplicity of perspectives ensures that we cover each topic with a comprehensive and balanced approach.

What We Do

  1. Investigative Reporting: Our journalists dive deep into classified or hitherto undisclosed information to provide a fuller understanding of events, decisions, and actions that are usually hidden from public view.
  2. Analysis and Commentary: Our in-house and guest experts offer nuanced takes on breaking news and current issues, dissecting them from various angles to give you a well-rounded view.
  3. Resource Compilation: We curate a repository of public records, legal documents, and other materials pertinent to classified information, thus serving as a one-stop shop for those conducting research in this domain.
  4. Community Engagement: Our online forums and social media platforms foster a community of like-minded individuals who share insights, discuss theories, and collaborate on uncovering facts.
  5. Educational Outreach: We organize webinars, podcasts, and workshops aimed at educating the public about the importance of transparency and the impact of classified information on society.

Our Commitment to Integrity

  1. Transparency: Although our subject matter often deals with theory, our operations are an open book. We maintain a semi-rigorous editorial process to fact-check, verify, and scrutinize each piece of content we publish.
  2. Unbiased Reporting: We adhere strictly to journalistic standards of impartiality and objectivity, steering clear of sensationalism and bias.
  3. Quality over Quantity: While we aim to keep our audience informed in real-time, we prioritize in-depth, accurate reporting over frequent but superficial updates.
  4. Accountability: We are committed to correcting any inaccuracies or omissions as quickly as possible and transparently communicating these changes when applicable.

Who Benefits from Our Work?

  • Academics researching topics involving classified or confidential information
  • Journalists looking for a reliable source of data and expert opinion
  • Professionals who require up-to-date, trustworthy information to make informed decisions
  • The general public, interested in understanding the latest happenings in the world of unusual and bizarre.

Contact Us

For inquiries, suggestions, or collaborations, please reach out to us through our Contact Page or email us at info@thatsclassified.com.

Thank you for your interest in That’s Classified, where the undisclosed becomes disclosed.

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